








 杨季芳(1963-,男研究员,硕导; 1984年毕业于武汉大学生物系微生物专业;1999年入选省151第二层次人才工程;宁波市微生物与环境工程重点实验室主任、中国细胞学会理事。2000-2003年作为高级访问学者应德国科教部 (BMBF) 邀请在德国AWI极地海洋研究所从事三年合作研究,承担了两项BMBF项目,参加了PolarStern号南极科考和多次中国大洋科学考察环球科考。主持国家科技部国际合作重点项目、国家海洋公益项目10余项。先后在德国AWI极地海洋研究所、Jena大学和比利时Gent大学LMG实验室开展高访合作研究。目前主要从事深远海微生物与近海病原微生物研究工作。






1. Lin D, Huang Y, Chen Y, Zhu S, Yang J, Chen J. Devosia indica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater in the Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020, 70:340-345.

2. Dong B, Zhu S,

Chen T, Ren N, Chen X, Chen Y, Xue Z, Shen X, Huang Y, Yang J, Chen J. Muricauda oceani sp. nov., isolated from the East Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020, (6):3839-3844.

3. Shen X, Zhu S, Dong B, Chen Y, Xue Z, Ren N, Chen T, Chen X, Yang J, Chen J. Alteromonas profundi sp. nov., isolated from the Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020, 70: 4531-4536.

4. Xue Z, Zhu S, Chen X, Chen T, Ren N, Chen Y, Dong B, Shen X, Huang Y, Yang J, Chen J. Jiella pacifica sp. nov., isolated from the West Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020, 70:4345-4350.


1. Chen Y, Guo M, Yang J, Chen J, Xie B, Sun Z. Potential TSPO Ligand and Photooxidation Quencher Isorenieratene from Arctic Ocean Rhodococcus sp. B7740. Mar Drugs. 2019, 17: pii: E316.

2. Chen Y, Zhu S, Lin D, Wang X, Yang J, Chen J. Devosia naphthalenivorans sp. nov., isolated from East Pacific Ocean sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019, 69:1974-1979.

3. Lin D, Zhu S, Chen Y, Huang Y, Yang J, Chen J. Paracoccus indicus sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater in the Indian Ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2019, 112:927-933.


1. Chen Y, Mu Q, Hu K, Chen M, Yang J, Chen J, Xie B, Sun Z. Characterization of MK(H) from Rhodococcus sp. B7740 and Its Potential Antiglycation Capacity Measurements. Mar Drugs. 2018,16. pii: E391.

2. Lin D, Chen Y, Zhu S, Yang J, Chen J. Alteromonas indica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater from the Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2018, 68:3881-3885.

3. Chen Y, Zhou Y, Chen M, Xie B, Yang J, Chen J, Sun Z. Isorenieratene interaction with human serum albumin: Multi-spectroscopic analyses and docking simulation. Food Chem. 2018, 258:393-399.

4. Chen Y, Xie B, Yang J, Chen J, Sun Z. Identification of microbial carotenoids and isoprenoid quinones from Rhodococcus sp. B7740 and its stability in the presence of iron in model gastric conditions. Food Chem. 2018, 240:204-211.

5. Zhu S, Lin D, Xiong S, Wang X, Xue Z, Dong B, Shen X, Ma X, Chen J, Yang J. Carnobacterium antarcticum sp. nov., a psychrotolerant, alkaliphilic bacterium isolated from sandy soil in Antarctica. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2018, 68:1672-1677.

6. Wang X, Lin D, Jing X, Zhu S, Yang J, Chen J. Complete genome sequence of the highly Mn(II) tolerant Staphylococcus sp. AntiMn-1 isolated from deep-sea sediment in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. J Biotechnol. 2018, 266:34-38.


1. Fan D, Liu J, Xu M, Yuan Y, Yang J, Chen J. A convenient immunochromatographic test strip for rapid detection of Scylla serrata reovirus. Virol Sin. 2017,32:335-337.

2. Yuan Y, Fan D, Zhu S, Yang J, Chen J. Identification and characterization of host cell proteins interacting with Scylla serrata reovirus non-structural protein p35. Virus Genes. 2017, 53:317-322.

3. Zhang J, Wang Y, Guo H, Mao Z, Ge C. Identification and characterization of a phospholipase A1 activity type three secreted protein, PP_ExoU from Pseudomonas plecoglossicida NB2011, the causative agent of visceral granulomas disease in large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). J Fish Dis. 2017, 40:831-840.

4. 熊尚凌,邢峻梁,范东洋,袁洋洋,朱四东,林旦璆,杨季芳,陈吉刚. 锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata)呼肠孤病毒5个结构蛋白互作分析. 海洋与湖沼, 2017,5:1108-1113.

5. Zhang J, Wang Y, Guo H, Mao Z, Ge C. Identification and characterization of a phospholipase A1 activity type three secreted protein, PP_ExoU from Pseudomonas plecoglossicida NB2011, the causative agent of visceral granulomas disease in large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). J Fish Dis. 2017, 40:831-840.


1. Guo HJ, Xia ZN, Tang W, Mao Z, Qian G, Wang CS. Establishment and characterization of a cell line from the Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2016, 52:673–682.

2. Zhu S, Wang X, Zhang D, Jing X, Zhang N, Yang J, Chen J. Complete Genome Sequence of Hemolysin-Containing Carnobacterium sp. Strain CP1 Isolated from the Antarctic. Genome Announc. 2016, 4. pii: e00690-16.

3. Yuan Y, Fan D, Zhang Z, Yang J, Liu J, Chen J. Identification and RNA segment assignment of six structural proteins of Scylla serrata reovirus. Virus Genes. 2016,52:556-560.

4. Chen J, Wang X, Zhu S, Chen Y, Yang J. Complete Genome Sequence of Alteromonas stellipolaris LMG 21856, a Budding Brown Pigment-Producing Oligotrophic Bacterium Isolated from the Southern Ocean. Genome Announc. 2016,4. pii: e00137-16. 

5. 井晓欢,王杏,熊尚凌,朱四东,陈勇,杨季芳,陈吉刚. 东太平洋多金属结核区两个站位深海沉积物细菌多样性. 微生物学报, 2016, 56: 1434-1449.





